Emily Osbourne and Grace Yepez presenting at the AIB-SE conference.Grace Yepez and Emily Osbourne, senior business administration and logistics and international trade (LIT) analytics majors, presented their research at the 2022 Academy of International Business U.S. Southeast (AIB-SE) conference at the end of October in Panama City, Florida. The theme was “Responsiveness in Business Environments: New Ways to Thrive.” Dr. Amit Arora was the conference chair and advisor, along with Dr. Anshu Arora. Also, Dr. Anshu Arora and Dr. Alex Tan were track chairs at the AIB-SE conference.
Yepez presented “Performing Sentiment Analysis on Twitter to Counter Cyber Security Threats.” Both Osbourne and Yepez presented “Robotic Autonomy Benefiting Individuals with Autism: Ethical Curriculum Development through Social Robotics’ Design and Research.”
The AIB-SE holds an annual conference consisting of competitive and interactive research papers, expert panels, consortia for doctoral students and early career faculty, workshops on teaching and research, meet-the-editor sessions, and networking opportunities. The conference had 170+ attendees from 29 countries worldwide.