Gita Pippin
Professor/ Lab Manager
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
MATH 409 – History of Mathematics
Since I joined UDC, one of my main goals has been to integrate a variety of methods into my instruction, with the intention of improving learning experiences for the students. Technology has revolutionized teaching methods, especially in online courses. This provides alternative ways to present information, specifically in science and mathematics. With this in mind, I decided to improve my ability as an educator and complete training through Quality Matters like Applying the Rubric 7th edition to build quality online courses. The QM Course Review process aligned with those goals in providing an approach and structure for how a quality online course should be. My course is now constructed in a student-friendly manner and I’m excited to teach it in the upcoming semester. This experience has greatly improved my course design skills. I look forward to working on more courses for the Math department.