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Quality Matters Testimonial - Elmira T. Asongwed

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Elmira T. Asongwed, DNP, MS, RN, CNE

Associate Professor
College of Agriculture, Urban Sustainability and Environmental Sciences (CAUSES)

NURS 300 – RN to BSN Transition

The initial course offered in the Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) curriculum was chosen to initiate the  Quality Matters™ Higher Education Rubric (7th edition) course certification process. The Center for the Advancement of Learning (CAL) experts were invaluable in guiding me through the comprehensive approval process. NURS 300 – RN to BSN Transition required refocusing on alignment for each course component from the Programmatic Learning Outcomes to Course Outcomes, and finally the Module objectives. This new focus on alignment enhanced and strengthened my activities and assessments. The QM team included a seasoned higher education administrator and nurse educator who provided very helpful suggestions to enhance the nursing course discussions, reflections, and leveling of assignments. The peer review decision provided extensive annotations to support quality improvement. I am ready to begin preparing another of our ten courses for QM certification!

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