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Quality Matters Testimonial - Ahmad Wright

Profile Picture for Ahmad Wright.

Ahmad Wright, M.A.

Assistant Professor of English
UDC Community College (CC)

The Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR) compressed online class that I took in November 2022 was very instrumental in preparing me for the task of restructuring our IGED 110 online classes for the 2023 QM peer review process. The APPQMR becomes much clearer when one is actively engaged in prepping a course for peer review!

The entire process is akin to watching yourself in a funhouse mirror. Past assignments are reshaped; alignment and pathways to achievement goals are revamped and deliberated. This process encourages introspection (why is this assignment here?) and fathoms the ways course material may sequence with learning objectives to enhance student rigor and online engagement.

The fun part of this process was implementing the applications to achieve such objectives (like the multimodal options for learner introductions, adding new reading selections, and the use of the annotation tool “Hypothesis” within more of the modules). The steady hand of our CAL coach, Julian King, reaffirmed our attention to the QM standards every step of the way.

Kudos to my colleague and a special thanks to coach Julian King for ensuring the week-to-week consistency of our input and revision timetables.

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